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From Teacher to TV Presenter: A Candid Interview with Hanan Alyafei


Hanan Alyafei is a woman of many talents. She is a successful TV presenter, a social media influencer, a media expert, a podcast host, and a mother of three. In the days before lights and cameras, Hanan walked a different path—one that involved textbooks and chalkboards, not microphones and scripts. She is also a cycling enthusiast who loves to challenge herself and inspire others.


In an exclusive interview with Bisht magazine, Hanan spoke about her accidental entry into television, her newfound passion for podcasting, and how she managed to balance her personal and professional lives.


·       Could you tell us a bit about yourself and how you ventured into the world of media?


My name is Hanan Alyafei. Currently, I am a TV presenter at Alrayyan TV and a media consultant for Qatar Media Corporation. My career began as a teacher for over 13 years, then transitioned into content creation, and ultimately found my place as a QBS Radio presenter. I hold a master's degree in education leadership, and I graduated with a degree in Arabic language from Qatar University. Last May, I ventured into podcasting, focusing on social subjects like nutrition, healthy lifestyles, and mental health.


·       How did you become a TV Presenter, especially as a woman in Qatar, and how did it shape the beginning of your career?


It was somewhat accidental. I found it challenging at first to pursue a career as a television presenter because my family was not supportive. As a result, I started out as a teacher and moved on to administration and content creation. I decided to try TV presenting after friends suggested it, even though it wasn't initially on my list of goals.


Being a TV presenter was not my goal, but with a passion for learning and a dedication to self-improvement, I found my way to Alrayyan TV. My belief in perfectionism delayed my entry into TV, as I thought I needed every course available. I started by taking courses on body language, voice modulation, and presentation skills. Despite my belief in perfectionism, I learned that sometimes you have to start, even if you are not 100% ready. Alrayyan TV offered me an opportunity, and I seized it, realizing that perfection comes with experience.


·       Tell us more about your podcast and the subjects you focus on.


My podcast, launched in May, explores the interconnectedness of mind and soul. In my podcast, I discuss topics often neglected in traditional education, such as relationship building, achieving financial independence, and maintaining mental health.


I believe that these topics resonate globally, aiming to provide a different perspective. Each monthly episode delves into areas like achieving balance in a healthy lifestyle and challenging common opinions on subjects like weight loss.


·       How do you balance your broadcasting career and personal life, and how does being a TV presenter influence your podcast?


The key to my success is authenticity. I believe that to guide others effectively, one must first walk the talk. During the pandemic, for example, I became interested in nutrition and holistic health and developed a commitment to a healthier lifestyle.


The responsibility of being a TV presenter further adds to this balance, pushing me to maintain a positive attitude and set an example for those who look up to me. The skills I gained from working as a TV presenter prepared me well for the launch and management of my podcast. As a TV presenter, my experience provided me with technical skills and the confidence to engage in meaningful conversations, which made launching the podcast much easier.

·       What role does culture play in your life, and what aspects of Qatari culture do you particularly enjoy?


For me, culture is like a fingerprint—it defines who I am. Maintaining a balance between our traditional roots and modern life is very important. In a city like Doha, where diverse cultures come together, I see the beauty of embracing one's roots while remaining open to new perspectives.


Celebrating events like Qatar National Day reminds me of the importance of our culture. Wearing traditional garments and listening to cultural music creates a sense of pride and a connection to my country. These elements make me feel special and evoke loyalty, fostering a deep appreciation for my culture.


·       Finally, what advice would you give a newcomer in your field?


Live every moment to the fullest. Keep learning. Learn new skills. Enroll in courses and watch relevant programs on YouTube. Get in touch with people in the same field. Don't be hard on yourself, and don't make the same mistakes again!





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